
Mia is just a happy kid. She wakes up every morning with a smile on. She is doing really good. Tomorrow we take her to get the birthmark looked at by the Dermatologist. It seems that it is more than a birthmark to our Doctor. I promise we'll try to take more pictures. Here are a few of her at Briley's school soccer game (Briley scored 2 goals) and her doing her best "American Idol" pose. We have truly been blessed with this little ball of energy.



  1. "T" said...
    Ahhhh I miss her. I still here her little voice telling you no in Chinese Steve. I still hear her correcting me when I said her Chinese name not quite right. What a character she is. I love seeing the new pic's. I really love that she lets Daddy hold her now.
    taylor said...
    LOVE the pictures! How precious! It seems she is fitting right in with the crazy soccer schedule. Gotta love it!! :)
    Anonymous said...
    You could of cropped me out of the picture.... MIA is so cute!!!! :)
    I am so glad she is adjusting so well and YES we are addicted to this little miracle and want to see every picture we can..
    Praying for good news today at the dermatologist!
    Love yall!

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