Last post before we leave.....

We leave tomorrow for Hong Kong, which is another story in itself. We fly out of Hong Kong the next day for San Francisco, then Orlando. I most likely won't have internet until we get home so it will be a couple days before I post again. Today we went to a park next to the hotel, not like our parks, there is no real open space. It was more like the garden area at Cypress Gardens. Then we had the rest of the day to shop(6hrs worth). Finished the day at Lucy's for dinner. Tomorrow we will take the picture of our whole group and kids before we check out to leave. I'll get those pictures up soon. Here should be enough pictures until we get home.

Thank you for all the prayers and comments while we have been on this journey. It isn't ending but really just beginning. Mia seems to be adjusting very well. She is really outgoing, and talkative even though we only understand a little of what she is saying. It seems our prayers have been answered as far as her adjusting goes(still no hugs for me). Everyday I just look at her and realize what a miracle God has blessed us with. It really hasn't set in yet what we have ahead of us, but most likely will when we get home. We love everyone and will see you soon!


  1. Anonymous said...
    We hope your trip home is safe and that everyone tolerates the flights well. Thank you so much for all the wonderful pictures during your journey and for sharing it with us. We've got warm temps and sunshine waiting for you here!
    MKMAtterson said...
    First of all, THANK YOU for allowing us to tag along with you on the exceptional journey, even if it is through the web. I know my emotions have been all over the place reading your blogs so I can only imagine what it's been like to actually be there in person. WOW! We are so anxious for your return. We pray for a safe travels. I know Cindy doesn't really like to fly but I bet she is more than happy to get on that flight. See y'all soon.

    Love to all,
    Kim, Mark, & Makenna
    Anonymous said...
    That MIA and her CORN.... too cute..We love every picture and are blessed to be a part of this MIRACLE with you guys!!! Cant wait to see you.. Praying for safe travel and I am sure the flight home will be easier on CINDY-- when you start feeling anxious just look at will get you through!
    Briley---no barf bags on the way home :) LUV YOU ALL! Jessica
    taylor said...
    You all look so happy! I'm so glad things have gone so well. Good luck with all your flights and travel safe! :)
    Cindy said...
    Thanks for more (great) pictures! A new part of your journey will begin soon. How wonderful it will be!!! Prayers for a safe flight home.
    Kristin Daniels said...
    And I am very curious as to what Bri is eating on that stick...
    Cheryl said...
    Praying for a safe and uneventful journey home. I sure have been blessed by all the pictures and thoughts you have posted. That girl sure does love her corn. I see a Zellwood Corn Festival trip in your future!!! The family picture is awesome. I can hardly wait to meet Miss Mia. Kylie is ready to meet her new friend.
    God bless you all,
    Anonymous said...
    Hey those are some really cute photos
    and I can't wait to see you all well that's all I have to say for now. so bye.... :) Love, RED
    Anonymous said...
    If you guy's haven't heard Sunday a 16 year old girl died in a car accident and the other girl is in coma(not far from where two other boys were killed). So please pray that she live's. Love, RED :)
    "T" said...
    Wow Linamens I can't tell ya how much your whole family has meant to us on this weird trip. I'm so thanksful God had our paths cross and choose us to do this together. It's been great to be able to share without being judged. Y'all our a great family and I just love Bri and Mia to death. You have two great kids and Steve your parents have been so great I am so glad they came. And Steve You are still The King of the Blog even though I posted today and you did not cause your too cheap to buy another day of internet LOL. Love y'all
    Anonymous said...
    Don't worry about the hugs Steve, Coco has a bunch saved up for you! We Are praying for a happy & safe return for y'all. Coco wants Briley to go to SKYVENTURE with her, we have free passes so we all can go!
    We miss all of you like cRaZy!
    Sandra, Haven & Coco
    Our family: said...
    So excited for all of you! What a beautiful addition Mia is to your family!

    I'm praying for a smooth trip home and lots of blessings to be continually poured out on your sweet family.

    It's been so fun to follow along!
    Anonymous said...
    I hear Hong Kong is AMAZING...although it is an unexpected bump in your journey, God has a plan and you are in his safe arms. Sometimes it's the most unexpected, unplanned events that are the dearest and most treasured. And surely you will have a blast in Hong Kong! Bless you, safe travels.
    Anonymous said...
    Your slackin! Just because your home we still want updated pictures!!!!
    Connie said next time you go for a walk knock on her door!!!


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