Frist day in Guangzhou (GZ).

We arrived at the hotel late last night around 10:30. The flight was only 1 hour long so it wasn't bad. Mia did really good. Nothing really phases this girl (except nap time). The hotel and room is really nice, I'll post pictures later. Today we had to go for medical exams first thing after breakfast. This is only a formality, not much of an examination.

After the exams we stopped by a shopping center that was like a seven story mall with a grocey store inside on the 4th floor, kind of odd. Here is a few pictures of Mia picking out a toy, playing with me, and eating noodles like a pro.

Today is paperwork party day - getting everything together for the consulate visit. Tonight we will eat with the rest of he group over here with AWAA. We enjoy our time with other Americans and Mia really likes playing with the other kids. she isn't shy. Things feel much better now that we are out of that other province. I will have a post of what China is like from the back streets to the overcrowded cities soon, I know most want to see pics of Mia more.


  1. Naomi said...
    I have been having so much fun following along your journey to China. Mia is absolutely gorgeous!!! You will have a wonderful time there in Guangzhou, it was certainly our favourite part of the trip. We are looking forward to returning there in the next couple of months!!

    Blessings to you,
    Angela said...
    I agree with Naomi. Mia is gorgeous. We are following in your footsteps and will be there in 2 weeks! Thanks for letting us tag along on your journey to your beautiful little girl. Enjoy the remainder of your time there!

    (AWAA family)
    Jodie Daniels said...
    She is so beautiful, and just seems more and more at home with you each day. All of your smiles get bigger by the day! Impatiently waiting for you all to come home! Much love!!
    MKMAtterson said...
    I have to agree with Jodie, your smiles get bigger by the day. The pictures you share are telling a beautiful story of so many prayers being answered. Counting down the days to your return!

    Love to all,
    Kim, Mark, & Makenna
    Cindy said...
    I love seeing all of the pictures and reading your notes on how the day went. Have exciting! Mia is beautiful and I also agree, great big smiles! Hurry up and get home, LOL!
    Hugs and prayers, Cindy, Lane, and Zane

    P.S. Zane refuses to take naps at home. It's more fun to play. :)
    Anonymous said...
    Mia pulls our heart strings everytime we go on here, and we havent even met the precious little girl yet. We love her already more and more each day!
    Cant wait till 4 more days.
    Love you guys!!!!!!!
    See Steve alot of prayers answered, it wasnt even a day until she warmed up to you!
    Anonymous said...
    Oh those pictures are precious!!! Lexie can't wait till ya'll get home so she can play with Mia... Counting down the day!!!!

    Love to you all!!!
    Cheryl said...
    I am so glad that you had a safe and easy flight to Guangzhou. Mia's smile is priceless! Hope you have a wonderful time exploring...there are two beautiful parks there! They are both very different and both worth seeing. Also, check out the Food Street restaurant in the hotel. The food is really good and Kylie loved seeing the fish tanks! You all are on my heart all the time. Blessings to you all,
    "T" said...
    Yes and Mia is such a sweetheart.I loved spending time with her tonight. She was so cute and good with Mattilyn. See tall tomorrow. Can't wait to see what we are going to get to pick out to eat at the zoo.
    Kristin Daniels said...
    My heart just melts every time I get on here and see my new little cousin and how she interacts with all of you already. She is so adorable and I can't say it enough how blessed you are that you have her and she's settling in so well! But I know you already know that :]. Love you all! Looks like there will be two new additions to the family next week!
    Jenlincat said...
    Love the pictures. Mia is so adorable. We can't wait to meet her. The countdown is on til you all come home. Stay Safe.

    Jennifer,Lindsey, & Cat

    Briley and Steve we dedicate " to you - check it out.
    Anonymous said...
    What a beautiful little girl she is! I just love Mia's smile. I am so glad that she's doing so well. I can't wait to meet her and for our girls to get together. She seems so sweet. God has truly blessed you with Mia.

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