Briley's blog

Hey, it’s Briley! Right now we are getting ready to pick Mia up! I can’t believe this moment is about to happen! I just wanted to say hi to all of my friends especially the Scream team. I’m so happy you won the game! Don’t worry Coach Mike, I’ll bring you Chinese candy! I miss you Courtney and Katie from church. I can’t wait to see all of my best buddies! Well we only have about 45 minutes until we become a family of 4! See you all in 9 days!



  1. Jenlincat said...
    Hey, this is Lindsey. I have been keeping up with your blogs and love the pictures you have posted. By now you are a family of four. How does if feel to be the big sister? I am so happy for you and can't wait to see you in 9 days. I am getting ready to go to school, but will check right before heading out to see if any new pictures of you and Mia are posted. Have fun. :)Lindsey
    Anonymous said...
    Your now a family of four.. I am so excited Briley you finaly have a little sister and I have a new little niece.. Cant wait to see to pics and hear how exciting it was to finally get Mia.. My internet at home is down but I hope by this afternoon it will be fixed so Cindy can email me at home and tell me how everything went.. See you in 9 days.. Cant wait..

    Love yall.
    Anonymous said...
    The last comment was mine ..

    Jodie Daniels said...
    I noticed the time of your post, about 45 minutes before being united with Mia...I was awakened about that time with an intense itch in my leg and realized it would be about the time you would be seeing her so I prayed for you all. Isn't God good! Love you bunches and can't wait to see pictures. I think of you all constantly!!!
    Reynolds_Family said...
    Hey Briley this is Mallory I hope you are having fun in China. I miss you very much and I love the picturs of you and Mia. She is sooo cute I hope you love being a family of four and being a big sister! Congraulations! And I will be looking for more updates later. And tell your mom,dad and mia that we said hi. I will see you in 9 days. Hope you love China. and we all miss yall.


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