Hong Kong.....about to board for home....finally

We are sitting in the Hong Kong airport waiting for our flight to San Fran. with our precious cargo....Mia and Briley. It's about 12 hours to Cali and another 5 hour flight to Orlando. Mia has traveled so good on buses and the short flight we already had. This next one will be the big test. Can't wait to be in Orlando about 8pm


  1. Kristin Daniels said...
    YAYYYYYY!!!! :D Wishing you all a safe trip home. Can't wait to see you all tomorrow. I love you all!
    Mrstoler9 said...
    It seems to have been a very successful trip, I am so excited for yall I know yall have to be so happy. I can't wait to see the little angel after yall get all settled in and she gets comfortable with everything. Have a safe trip back home take care.
    Cindy said...
    I hope the flight goes/is going well. I know it's tiring for all of you. But SO exciting!!! We cannot wait for yall to get home and settled and look forward to a playdate one day when Mia has become comfortable.

    Hugs and Prayers,
    Cindy, Lane, and Zane
    Anonymous said...
    Congratulations to your family!! The pictures were wonderful and it did look smooth/easy, which I know was something on the prayer list. It is great to see how she has settled in. Praying that it continues to go well...!
    God bless,
    Sharon in Indonesia :)
    (a friend of your Mom's)
    Anonymous said...
    YEAH!!! It is finally going home day!!!! Praying for safe travel !!

    Anonymous said...
    Cant wait 7 more hours until you guys arrive.
    Kathy said...
    Cindy Mia is so adorable! Will be praying for a safe
    trip home.


    Kathy (AWAA mom)
    Anonymous said...
    Praying that the flight home goes well. I am so glad that Mia seems to be doing so well. God has truly blessed you. Mia is so adorable!
    "T" said...
    Since y'all have not posted a home update yet STEVE.... Is'nt it GREAT being home. We miss y'all and wish y'all lived closer. We miss being with your family. Hey there some houses up for sale inour subdivision so y'all and the shared grandparents can move over here. We don't have quite as many hurricanes:)
    Anonymous said...
    Briley, I hope you have a great trip home! From- Shelby

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