Day two.

Today was another very busy day. Up at 6am (5pm for most of you) eat and on the bus to Church. After Church we went to a Jade factory and then to lunch. The theme seems to be eating over here. Cindy was really worried about the food but so far it all is good. We haven't had to eat American yet.

After lunch the bus drove about an hour to the Great wall. It is absolutely amazing. Pictures don't do it justice. It is the most spectacular man made thing I have ever seen. Cindy and my Mom only took a few steps on it so they could say they were here. Briley and I lost my dad somewhere around the first tower. We made it all the way to the Fifth tower. Note to all my players; your lucky the Wall is in China or it would replace the fit test. If you can catch your breath going up, your legs are killing you coming down.

In the morning we fly out to Mia's province. Tomorrow will be the whole reason for this trip, to meet our little girl and bring her home and that is really starting to set in. Many times I've been told what a wonderful thing we are doing, and I understand that statement. But, its more about how this little girl will enrich our life and those around us. It's a wonderful thing that God is doing not us. The more we are around the culture, the people, and the heritage the more I know this is part of HIS plan for us. Tomorrow more than ever we need your thoughts and prayers for us and Mia. Tomorrow her life will change forever and she won't understand that for awhile so it may be stressful for her and us. I will try to post updates as soon as I can. Thanks again for all the comments, we miss everyone at home.



  1. Jodie Daniels said...
    How fun today, I kept checking the blog, and each time saw more pics and commentary! How fun to see you all there experiencing "once in a lifetime" experiences! Hope you can sleep tonight, although I know it will be difficult for you...such an exciting day tomorrow. We love you all so much!
    MKMAtterson said...
    It really looks like y'all are having an exciting trip. Every time I show Makenna your pics the first thing she wants to know is if there are any pics of Mia yet. You know she loves y'all but right now it's all about Mia in her mind. I told her that MAYBE there might be some pics of Mia loaded by the time we leave for school in the morning. It's now 12:30pm here, I know y'all are supposed to be sleeping but I'm sure that someone is awake now too excited to sleep, I would be too! Our prayers are with all of you, Mia, & her nannies. Love to you all.
    Cheryl said...
    I am sitting here praying that you are getting a good nights rest with plenty of sweet dreams about the day to come. My heart is full as I recall our gotcha day on December 22nd. It is such a precious time. I pray God will bless you in ways beyond your wildest dreams. I am praying for Mia as she prepares for her new family. I am overwhelmed as I think of the joy that she will know...that you will all know in the days to come! I am praying for peace and wisdom. He is right there with you guiding your every step! I can hardly wait to see pictures. Praying for safe travels. Oh, wow, I can hardly wait!
    Blessings to you all,
    Cheryl (Kylie's mama)
    Jenlincat said...
    I know the excitement is almost unbearable to know that you all will meet mia today. And I am so sure God has been preparing Mia for this long awaited day. Praying for you all and looking forward to seeing those Kodak moment photos :) Stay Safe in your travels.

    With Love,
    Jennifer, Lindsey and Cat
    Emily said...
    Hey Friends!
    Well by now you are probably sitting in the freezing cold Beijing airport waiting for your flight to Changsha! Enjoy this day and try to remember every detail...the Lord has gone before you and made a way to your precious girl. Do not fear, He is and will be, with you. Tell Maymie we said hello and know you are in our prayers...I cannot WAIT to wake up tommorow and see her!! Your (and her) day has come!!!!!!!!
    Jenn said...
    Thinking and praying for you as you count down the hours until you have your girl! Can't wait to see pictures!!

    Jenn (AWAA family-Gotcha' Day Dec. 8, 2008-Karleigh Mei Qian age 3)
    Anonymous said...
    Good luck, I cant hardly go to sleep, waiting to wake up and know that I am a new Aunt. Justin had just told mom, you are a new grandma, she said she couldnt wait.
    Love yall.
    "T" said...
    Your so right Steve. They keep saying Oh these babies are sovery Lucky yeah. But to be chose by God to help with these little lifes. Wow what a honor. By the way we miss y'all already and matt is not sore from the wall yet. That will Be tomorrow. I am a little bit even though I nor anyone else went as far as you and Briley did. I mean dang y'all went far.

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