It's Official......Mia is a Linamen!

OK everyone can get off my back now, here are more pictures. Today we had to go finalize some paperwork to get Mia's visa and make her officially Mia Grace Yi Linamen. Right now all the ladies are sleeping so I thought I would do an update. Mia cried a little last night before she fell asleep, she didn't want to lay down. She woke up around 4am so we put her in bed with us and she watched tv for a couple hours until we had to get ready for the day, that's why Briley and Cindy are napping with her. It's amazing all the things she does by herself. She is very independent. She wants to try everything herself before she will let us help. My mom gave her the backpack and she put it on right away, she tries to carry it with her toys in it all the time. She wants Cindy to do most of the things with her, but started letting Briley carry her a little. So I guess for the time being you can say she is a momma's girl....that will change:) Cindy got the first kiss early this morning and then Briley a little later, but while we were waiting to do some paperwork, she gave daddy his first kiss. She is a vary sweet little girl. Not much else going on today but I'm sure we will have a lot more pics to post.

Big smile

Signing papers

Mia letting big sis hold her for the first time

This was taken when she first came into the room yesterday and we first saw her face to face.


  1. "T" said...
    Sweet baby. Can't wait to see ya in Guangzhou.
    Jodie Daniels said...
    How precious! It is amazing (well not really with all the prayers be lifted) how comfortable Mia seems with you all already! Can't wait to meet her face to face. You know we all check this site multiple times daily just hoping you will have posted something even though we know you are "bonding" and doing important things like that :) we really want to see anything you will give us! Love you all bunches!!
    MKMAtterson said...
    Her smile is amazing! Steve, Makenna says good job on the pics of Mia. Cindy stay the course on getting her to be a mama's girl. She seems completely comfortable with her bow in her hair. Enjoy all these precious times. Our prayers continue to be lifted for each of you.

    God is AWESOME!
    Love to all,
    Kim, Mark, & Makenna
    Anonymous said...
    She is so precious, she seems to be so outgoing and that is why the Lord blessed her to be in this family. LOL Between soccer and the Mathews side. Briley and her somewhat look alike, I think it is the dark eyes. Love yall!
    Cheryl said...
    Congratulations to you all! Mia is beautiful! I am celebrating and praising God along with you for this blessing and answered prayer. Thank you for sharing the pictures...they are precious. I loved the picture of you all seeing Mia for the first time! Mia has such a beautiful smile and bright eyes. I am so thrilled that she is doing so well. I will continue to keep you in my prayers!
    Anonymous said...
    She is adorable.. She seems very happy!!! Looks like she has adjusted well (which I am really happy about) Can't wait till you guys come home so we can finally meet Mia and to hear more about the trip and see lots of pictures.. Tell Steve be prepared he will be seeing us more often now.. lol!!!! Cindy check your email when you can!!!!
    Lela said...
    She is soooooo cute. We can't wait for you to get home. The whole team waits for photos each day. The PLUP team loves Mia. Please post more pictures.....God Bless your family of four. We love you.

    Briley: No Jewett game today. 1st game is now 2-17 at 6:00. Emily misses you and can't wait to play soccer with Mia. There was no practice on Monday as it rained all day. Pratice tonight for Scream. Take care of Mia big sister.

    Mia: We love you and can't wait to meet you. You have a big family at home waiting for you. Aunt Lela can't wait to meet you.
    Anonymous said...
    GOD is good! MIA is so the bow. The girls & I checked the site all night hoping for new glad to see them this morning...I will share with Kenzie & Meg this afternoon. Praying for you all!
    Love ya!
    Jenlincat said...
    Look at that smile! It would light up any room. She is so amazing! It looks like she has been waiting for you since her beginning. I love the picture of you all watching her come in the room. Cindy looks like she can’t wait to get her hands on her, Steve has that proud father look, and Briley is thinking “finally, there she is.” The pink bow is adorable and I agree with MKAtterson, keep the course – mama’s girl all the way. I am so thrilled for all of you during this journey that God has guided/surprised you in so many ways. Take pleasure in this time of bonding. We can’t wait till you all come home!

    Thanks for all the updates and photos we back home really enjoy reading. And yes, we are guilty as I am sure others are of becoming obsessed with the updates. Someone will need to start MA – Mia Anonymous. LOL!!
    Anonymous said...
    She is darling. What a precious smile. I know all of you are walking on clouds right now. It has been a long journey, but well worth it.

    I can not wait to meet you Mia!!
    You are coming home to a world of love.

    Anonymous said...
    Well, I am glad to read other's posts and see that I am not the only "stalker"! haha We are constantly checking your blog for new pictures and updates. I agree that the picture of you 3 when you see that precious baby for the first time is so adorable; your expressions say it all! What a journey you have been on already in meeting the one that Heavenly Father has intended for you; we keep praying that He will continue to bless you all during this transition time. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures - it helps us all feel a little more like a part of your story.
    taylor said...
    Love, love, LOVE the pictures! I too, like my mother and others, am a frequent visitor of your blog daily. (Or as Mom put it, a "stalker") :) I am so glad that everything is going so well for you all. We're still praying for everything to keep transitioning smoothly. I can't wait to meet Mia! And keep the pictures coming. :)
    Anonymous said...
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture of the three of you seeing her for the first time. Have a safe trip and relish in God's blessings!

    Jennifer Reynolds
    Kristin Daniels said...
    Oh my word. I love her I love her I love her!! She is fitting in so well, what a miracle :]. I hope she knows all the characters she's going to get to grow up around haha! I love you all tons and can't wait to see you!

    Ps. I knew she would be a momma's girl ;]
    Anonymous said...
    She is BEAUTIFUL !!! It looks like she is adjusting very well, which is great thing and i hope it continues to stay that way for all of you guys. Briley is a very GLOWING big sister now. they look so cute together! You all have fun and we will keep you in our prayers !!

    Nikki James
    Emily said...
    She's so stinkin cute! We're enjoying seeing all the familiar sights! Mia seems like she's doing very well and Briley looks thrilled! Hope your week in Hunan is me if you need anything!
    Angela said...
    What a precious face! I've loved watching your trip to get your sweet girl. Praying all continues to go well.

    Angela (AWAA family)
    Anonymous said...
    She's adorable! Everytime you guys put up something new, mom calls me in to show me...and then usually gets a little emotional. But I can see why! I can't wait to see her when she starts playing soccer. That'll be fun! You guys have a beautiful family. I've always looked up to you and look forward to seeing how you raise this cute one! You're in my prayers :)
    Anonymous said...
    Amazing how one little girl has touched so many people. CET also looks several times a day for updates. Not surprised at all to see the bow in her hair. What a smile! We are in love already. Cindy, your team is working call center. Definitely missing you. God bless, CET

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