I think you all know how much we look forward to reading your comments. Thoughts and words of encouragement from home mean a lot to us. The next few days we will be here in Changsha. It's getting a little boring, thank goodness we are in a very nice hotel. Don't forget that we are half a day ahead of you, as you are going to bed we are getting up. Even though things with Mia are going really good, there are those times of doubt and fear. The Lord has blessed me with strength through this. Mia has taken to Cindy and wants her to help, then comes Briley. She has only let me pick her up once, and in the morning really doesn't want anything to do with me. As the day goes on she will play with me some. I prayed that it would happen this way so it would be easier on Cindy. Mia most likely has never been around males, so I understand. I'll post more pics at the end of the days activities. I'm starting to go through soccer withdrawals. We love and miss everyone.



  1. "T" said...
    It is so dark and rainy and gloomy here.And we are sooooo bored. I can't Wait To see Y'all in Guangzhou!!!!
    MKMAtterson said...
    I'm sure Mia will take after her big sis soon enough about becoming a Daddy's girl. Although I'm sure Cindy is eating every minute up of her being a Mama's girl. How cute will Mia be in her very own pink soccer cleats & shin guards. I can't stop opening up this site to see her smiling face & the picture of the 3 of you seeing her for the first time, talk about a priceless moment. Steve, Mark wants to know did you see your team win the super bowl? Makenna chose to cheer for the Steelers since she found out you liked them. Who's getting more worn out Mia or Cindy & Briley trying to keep up with her? Cindy, I'm sure your mom of a 3yr old instincts have kicked right back in. Mia looks like she is really have a good time playing with her stacking cups & you during her bath.

    We couldn't be more excited for y'all. We can't wait for y'all to come home so we can see Mia's awesome smile in person & y'all too.

    Love to you all,
    Kim, Mark, & Makenna
    Anonymous said...
    I agree with Kim, I keep pulling up the site to see more pics, but to keep seeing the same ones on here of her and you guys is good enough, she is so sweet and precious looking, counting down the days till we meet you guys at the airport. Love yall BooBoo
    Anonymous said...
    Wow, it seems like things are really going great with Mia. It is amazing to think about how her life has been changed. Very blessed little girl. Hope you all have a great day! Peyton says hello to Briley.
    Molly & Peyton Lee
    The Guards said...
    We are so happy things are going well.You have said that you all are the lucky ones, I must say Mia is also very lucky to have been placed with such a wonderful family. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.Mia is truly a beautiful child and we cant wait to meet her. She has an incredible smile and to be quite honest she looks adorable with the bow in her hair!!! way to go Cindy and Briley!!! Steve there is no way you can say it isnt cute!!!! Cant wait for more pics. By the way Steve the girls from Stambaugh won there first game tonight 5-0. Also Mikey says easy on the soccer withdraws, it'll be here when you get back enjoy spending time with your girls! Briley, Coach Mike cant wait for the chinese candy!! See you all in a few more days!! Betsy
    Anonymous said...
    Kim is right.. it probably won't be long before she is a daddys girl just like Briley.. i can't say it enough Mia is so adorable and she does have a pretty smile.. I look at this site all day and most of the night and on my email as Cindy should know. You all are in my prayers!!!

    Unknown said...
    Uncle Steve, I just read someone's comment and they said that you said something about seeing the Steelers win the Super Bowl. I am so happy that you did if you did, I am sooooo proud of them and I almost went into labor because of the last 5 minutes of the game HAHA! Anyways I am so glad that everyone is doing great and that Mia is doing so well adjusting to the family. I can't wait to see you all! Love you all :]

    Unknown said...
    Ok, I just re-read the comment and you probably didn't see the game haha, and even though it was a great one you are more lucky to be spending time with little Mia! Oh and Aunt Cindy, I'm pulling for ya for Mia is stay a momma's girl :D.
    bebe said...
    What a wonderful blessing that God sent you all to each other. Mia is as beautiful as all the Mathews girls. Our thoughts and prayers are with the whole family.

    Becky McNabb McClary
    Jodie Daniels said...
    This has been one of the longest weeks of my life...it feels like y'all have been gone much longer! Still another week to go before we get to see you all again and meet my beautiful niece Mia. Please tell her Aunt Jojo can't wait to see her! Love you all more than I can say!!
    Anonymous said...
    She'll warm up to you Steve...all MY daughters finally did, right?
    :-) Have loads of fun!
    Cindy said...
    I absolutely love reading your daily notes and seeing the wonderful pictures! How amazing to be over there and experience it all as a family. A foursome!!!

    Just be there for Mia. Lane and I were the only ones who held Zane (home from korea) for at least the first 6 weeks. It keeps the confusion down (though he was so much younger than Mia at the time). I am certain she will grow to be a daddy's girl!!! You all are so truly blessed! We can't wait to meet Mia.

    God bless, Cindy (Lane and Zane) Bowers
    Cheryl said...
    Steve, As you know, we just were in China to get our Kylie Grace. The tables were turned a bit and I was the one who was "patiently waiting". As the song you have playing says...waiting is painful...I will second that one. But, I will pray that you will "wait with "of things to come. Kylie was fine with me being close, but Daddy, brother and sister were the ones who she chose to hold her, etc. I just knew that I needed to be there right beside Hank as he did all those things like baths, feeding, changing diapers, etc. I believe that Mia will take all that in. You are showing your love for her in many ways and she will sense that...even if she doesn't show it right away. For Kylie Grace and me, it was when we returned home. It was so sweet and melted my heart the first time she chose to put her arms out for me! They are all so different and on their own time tables...but, when it is your time it will be a precious moment. I will be praying for you as you wait...that God will give you the peace. I am grateful for Cindy that Mia is attaching to her. Enjoy every moment as you watch her little personality emerge.
    God's blessings on you all,
    Cheryl said...
    Sorry, when I checked my post it omitted a most important word!!!!
    "wait with HOPE!"
    blessings, Cheryl
    Wife of the Pres. said...
    Hi, I found you all from the AWAA WC list. We brought home our 3-year-old back in September. Mia is beautiful! I really don't like giving unsolicited advice, but we had a similar experience with Susannah attaching to one of us except it was Daddy instead of Mommy! So I know how you feel Steve! It is heart-breaking really but I too understood. S was grieving and rejecting me in loyalty to her caregiver. So about the advice … I would strongly recommend that you do not allow your other daughter to meet any of Mia's needs, for that matter grandparents either. When she needs something, only Mommy or Daddy should do it this early on. I would not even let anyone but Mommy or Daddy hold her. Just my two cents but based on lots of reading and lots of what has worked for us. We did not let anyone but the two of us hold Susannah until very recently (home almost 4 months). I hope I have not offended. Mainly I just wanted to say she is BEAUTIFUl and that I know how much it hurts when your child whom you've longed for won't let you hold them. Blessings, Leslie

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