GZ Zoo.

We started today off at the Zoo. We take for granted a lot of things in the U.S. and this zoo is another example. It was suppose to be "really nice" but even our smallest zoo in Florida is much nicer. It was filled with a lot of birds, I said most likely because if they catch one they eat it. Only one Panda was outside. Here are a few pictures.

Mia waiting to get off the bus

Two of the little girls with our group. Mia loves little kids.

A random soccer ball in the zoo.

I have to take my hugs when I can get them. She fell asleep on the way home, that's the only way I get to carry her.

All worn out.


  1. "T" said...
    Oh my gosh I can not believe you have posted already. Get A life steve. Go take a nap or something. Oh and out of zoo animals I think I might choose the rat for dinner tonight since I saw he was eating pretty healthy stuff:)
    Steve, Cindy, Briley and Mia said...
    The rat was more interesting than most of the birds. I think he ate that bird!
    Jodie Daniels said...
    I'm finding it very interesting looking at the Chinese people in the backgrounds of some of the pictures...they almost look angry or disgusted that you are there...I wonder if they resent Americans coming and taking "their" children...

    Pics of y'all and Mia are so precious, I miss you terribly. I never knew two weeks could be this long! XOXO and many more prayers!
    Anonymous said...
    Great pictures guys cant"wait until GETCHA day as in getcha selfs home.Cindy you know Steve could NOT leave soccer alone for 2weeks he had to search China over till he found a ball.Know youre having a blast
    In Our Prayers
    Anonymous said...
    I also agree with Jodie, in the other park pictures they look the same way if you notice.
    She is so cute in all the pictures especially the one while she is sleeping, priceless.
    Only 3more days. Love you guys
    Jenn said...
    I'm loving all the pictures! Your little Mia is so precious!!

    Jenn said...
    Oh...and I have to comment on the "angry or disgusted" looks that the Chinese people are giving. I think those looks are one of confusion...they really don't understand us adopting their children. Take a look again and you'll see confusion/curiosity on their faces. :o)

    Steve, Cindy, Briley and Mia said...
    I never felt nor saw any anger from these people. Mostly looks of why is Chinese babies with White people, or very friendly people trying to talk to the kids and us. I think u r right Jenn.
    Kristin Daniels said...
    Seriously the highlight of my day is every morning getting up and checking to see the new post and pictures! I miss you all tons and I can't wait to meet little Mia!!! Tell her her cousin, Kristin back home loves her :]
    Anonymous said...
    Hey Cindy, Briley, and Steve...it's Kassia and Talya. I was trying not to post a comment too often, but can't help myself. I find myself even checking your blog at work. Steve, really, don't worry so much..and smile...Mia will be begging you to carry her soon enough!!!! Can't wait til you guys return. Briley, Talya says hurry back.(LOL)
    Anonymous said...
    Mia' picture sleeping is so precious!! What a beautiful family...
    Only a few more days to go....
    Love ya!
    Lela said...
    Hey Guys! Missed you at the soccer game yesterday. Getting ready to head to the one today. I think the girls played very good yesterday. We just didn't win. Hopefully I will have better news after this game. Love the pictures. Looks like Mia is warming up to you Steve. We miss you all. Briley hurry home the soccer team misses you and the coach. Talk to you later.

    Cindy: no news is good news so far at work.
    Jodie Daniels said...
    Glad to know that you are not feeling any bad feelings! Enjoy your time...what incredible memories you will have! Love ya!
    Cindy said...
    The picture of Mia sleeping is just too precious! Loved all of the pictures. I agree with Jenn, I don't think the CHinese people are angry,just curious. I do have to admit though, when an Asian woman sees me with Zane, I feel sooo protective!!!

    Have fun these last few days!!!

    Cindy, Lane, and Zane
    taylor said...
    Cute. Love it. Adorable. That's all I have to say for now. :)
    Lela said...
    Briley and Steve: We WON!!!!!!We beat 3 to 1. They played awesome. It was a very energetic game. I almost lost my voice because I was screaming so much. More later. Love the Snyders
    Anonymous said...
    HEY! Mia is so lucky to be in your family and life must seem wonderful and and a joy. Mia is the cutest thing I am so happy for you guys and I can't wait to see her, and she looks so sweet sleeping I wish I could be there. P.S. coach steve I did a great slide tackle. :)RED

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