Travel Day to GZ

Nothing really to post today. We are just packing up and getting ready to Fly to GZ. We really can't wait to leave this city. It's dark, cloudy, and kind of depressing. We are learning more and more about this special little girl everyday. Here is two pictures to hold you over until tomorrow. Everyone gets kisses but me:( Mia loves her "gia gia", that's Chinese for big sister.


  1. Anonymous said...
    This is so precious of her, sooner or later she will be surprising you Steve and giving out more than you can imagine. She takes the cutest pictures. Counting down the days till you guys come home.
    Love yall BooBOo
    Anonymous said...
    We are a fellow AWAA WCP family and I have been following your journey. You don't know me, but I wanted to let you know your family is precious! Mia is beautiful, blessings all around. And Briley is a gorgeous young lady. When I see her with Briley, I am reminded our Izabella, (once we bring her home, we're still waiting on referral) will not have a Gi Gi. She is such a great Big Sister! What a beautiful family. I am praying for safe travels for you today--and pray that great weather (lots of sunshine please Lord) for you and you begin the last leg of your journey to China.

    Hang in there Steve-I'm sure just sitting back and watching your beautiful family all lovin' on each other is a special moment in itself! A bit of a WOW factor, "ahhh...WOW those beautiful girls are all mine...amazing"...hmmm... :)
    Anonymous said...
    oh how precious!!! 5 more days!!! can't wait to see you guys!!!

    Love ya
    Anonymous said...
    oh how precious!!! 5 more days!!! can't wait to see you guys!!!

    Love ya
    MKMAtterson said...
    Snuggling is the best! Praying for safe travels to GZ & lots of sunshine. Steve, we pray Mia will know very soon what a devoted & loving Daddy you really are despite your tough exterior. Thanks for the pictures, they are so precious!

    Love to all,
    Kim, Mark, & Makenna
    Anonymous said...
    How awesome....Steve it won't take MIA long to see what a awesome dad you are..I am sure its hard but hang in there ...She will be following her BIG SISTERS footsteps in no time :)
    How precious!!!!!!
    Praying for safe travel for you & cant wait for NEW PICS!!!
    Love yall!!
    Kristin Daniels said...
    HOW PRECIOUS! Don't worry Uncle Steve, I'm sure you will be getting tons of kisses from her soon :D
    taylor said...
    Precious, precious! She'll come around to you soon, Steve. :)
    Jenlincat said...
    Briley, I do not think your smile can get any bigger!!! Love the pictures!! Cindy and Briley enjoy all the loving – she is probably saving the best for her Daddy! Gosh, it feels like you all have been gone for months. Hurry up and get back home. We cannot wait to see you all. Stay safe in your travels.

    Jennifer, Lindsey, & Cat
    Anonymous said...
    We Florida people do love our sunshine, huh? Hope the weather at your next stop is less gloomy...but those 2 beautiful, sweet daughters sure fill up a dark place with their smiles! Precious pictures!
    BSkinner said...
    Steve, Cindy, Briley, & Mia

    I am so happy for all you. You have such a beautiful family. I love all the pictures. Pictures say a million words and your pics definately say it all! Although, I must say.... Steve, I think you are doing a wonderful job giving us all the details.

    I'm sure you all are a little home sick by now, but at least you are there as a family. We all can't wait to see you when you get back.

    Take care, my heart and prayers are with you.
    Love, Buffy
    Anonymous said...
    Steve, Cindy, Briley, and Mia,

    I hope I am doing this correctly...this is my 1st blog ever! I wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed watching your journey to your precious new daughter and sister. The 1st thing I do every morning when I wake up and evening when I get home is to check for your new pictures and comments. I am totally amazed how quickly Mia took to Cindy and Briley. Like everyone says, it won't be long until she does the same with you, Steve. Mia is beautiful with a smile that lights up a room! God bless all of you during your travels and the rest of your lives together.

    Love, Cindy H
    Emily said...
    Hope you guys are safe and sound at the China hotel! Enjoy that amazing breakfast and have a starbucks on us! She really is did she do on the plane???
    Anonymous said...
    Hey Cindy,it's Kassia, you all fit like a glove. Briley you really are going to be an awesome sister!!! Steve, not to worry, Mia is going to have nothing but lots of hugs and kisses for you :). Only a few more days til you are back in the states. The weather has started to warm up to greet you will lots of sunshine upon your return.


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