More Mia Pics

Here are some random pictures of Mia taken over the last two days. I know this is what everyone wants anyhow. Today we went to the Hunan Museum and ate at KFC. We didn't really care for the food, not like home but it beat the alternative. The first two pics are of the museum and a 2000 year old lady, the rest are of Mia.


  1. Jodie Daniels said...
    What a smile!! She just looks so comfortable. Amazing!! I love the one of her eating the corn on the cob! Keep them coming...I know Dad has taken plenty :) Love ya!
    Anonymous said...
    She is so cute and precious!
    I adore her so much already, cant wait to meet her!
    Tell Briley she looks like the best big sister, Mia looks like she looks up to her already!
    Love yall!
    Lela said...
    Oh my gosh. I love the corn on the cob picture. She looks so happy. She is truely blessed with a wonderful mom and dad and an awesome big sister.
    "T" said...
    Okay the corn on the cob one is just to cute. Can't wait till Friday to see y'all. I know Matt is needing a little dude downtime cause all This woman time is probally drivinghim up the wall. No matter how hard I try I can't seem to turn him into a friend thats a girl which I guess is okay I suppose:)
    Anonymous said...
    WOW...I love seeing all of you with MIA..What a lucky LITTLE girl!! Will keep praying!!!
    Don't forget to get a COMPLETE family photo of all of you will want that memory to treasure FOREVER!
    Love you guys!!
    Briley...meg says congratulations BIG SISTER!
    taylor said...
    First, I'm going to pretend you didn't put that old woman picture up there to ruin my breakfast on purpose. Second, Mia looks so happy! And so do the rest of you for that matter! I love Mia's sweet smile and rosey little cheeks!
    Anonymous said...
    Awww!! She is adorable thanks for posting pics of your trip can't wait to see that beautiful little girl!

    Anonymous said...
    To all the Linamen family.
    I have been looking at your blog daily and everyday i smile and feel butterflies in my stomach because of the hapiness i feel for all of you. I am so glad she is doing good and trust me having a toddler myself..they don't stay happy all day long. But her pictures are adorable...i can hear her giggles somehow. Cindy i am so happy for you especially since you were so worried. We miss you and can't wait to meet Mia. Half of the call center has been following your blog. You are going to have to make a day where we can have a play day for all of our toddlers. Well enjoy and stay safe. Dionicia
    Anonymous said...
    So I have to stop looking at your blog while I'm sitting in class...people think I'm weird because I'm sitting there crying. But really, Mia is absolutely the cutest little girl! She is so lucky and I hope that everything goes well in the future. I can't wait to see you all, and of course, little Mia, when I come back to visit in April! Love you guys!
    Kristin Daniels said...
    Thanks for the picture of that 2000 year old lady, I just about lost my lunch. But I loved those pictures of Mia. She looks like she has always been part of the family. And I'm with Mom, we KNOW grandpa has taken 5454876846918 million pictures!
    Anonymous said...
    She's definitely your daughter, Steve...just look at how she's chowing down!
    Dr. T said...
    Nee how (Hello),
    Shea shea(Thank you) What a beautiful little Empress!
    I hope we will get a chance to meet her and the proud parents when you get settled back home.
    MKMAtterson said...
    Mia seems like she just enjoys being with y'all. Her smile is so precious & sweet. She really seems to be enjoying the corn on the cob, looks like that will be a must at the dinner table when you get home. I'm with Jodie, I'm sure Grandpa has taken a zillion pictures of Mia & everything that is happening. We can't wait to see a family photo. Hope the weather has cleared up so that y'all can get out & about. Counting down the days to your return.
    Love y'all.
    Kim, Mark, & Makenna
    Anonymous said...
    I go on your site daily (as do many others) and love to see pics of the new, improved and now complete Linamen family. I am so happy to read the transition is going smoothly for you all. Cindy looks like she's a pro at being Mia's mommy already! Enjoy every minute of this special time together. Thanks for taking the time to keep everyone updated. I absolutely cannot wait to meet Mia!

    Kristie said...
    Cindy, I'm so happy for all of you. She looks like she fits perfectly with you, Steve and Briley. She is truly a blessing! I'm sure we'll all be hearing that you and Steve will be starting your next adoption process soon. : ) Can't wait to meet her and for you guys to get back. Love ya, Kristie
    Anonymous said...
    Hey Briley,
    It's Talya... oh my gosh Mia is just the cutest thing ever!!! Congrats on becoming a new big sister, i'm sure you will be awesome.And I can't wait to see yall when you get back... We miss you . TTYL...luv ya,
    Anonymous said...
    Hello to ALL the Linamens. It's Kassia. We have enjoyed all the pics. I must agree the corn on the cob photo is priceless. I'm so happy for all of you and can't wait to meet Mia...Cindy she is just adorable and I must say from the all fit perfectly together!!! See ya when you get back.
    The Love's said...
    While I'm here dealing with death & sadness, You remind me of life & love & You guys keep me smiling...ok and a little bit of crying because of Steve! (its a good cry!)
    God couldn't have blessed a better family with a baby like Mia Grace Yi. You guys are awesome!
    P.s. Coco Says Briley is going to be the best "big sister ever"
    We Love You all!

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