Random Pics from GZ

Here are some random pics from the past couple days. There is anything from Lambos to pick-your-food-live to the real back streets of China.

It is the year of the Ox.

Another breakfast.

China backstreets about two blocks from the Lambo dealer.

Eating Papa John's with another family in our group, the torkelsons.

A Lambo dealership across from our hotel


  1. The Guards said...
    great pics again i bet u will all be ready for some good "home" cooking when u get back! I would have to take a big fat zero on the live food! kinda creepy!eeewwww!!! Have a safe trip back, cant wait to meet Mia. see you all in a few days then back to traveling again! I guess we will break Mia in the right way huh! See you soon, Betsy
    Jenlincat said...
    Finally coming home!!! Yeah!!!!! (from Lindsey to Briley).

    Mia is so cute! (from Cat)

    The pictures have been wonderful. We can see Mia's personality in everyone and how she is getting to know you all as well. And I must say, the girls and I have enjoyed following the blogs.

    Hang in there, your almost home! Can't wait to see you all.

    Jennifer, Lindsey, & Cat
    Steve, Cindy, Briley and Mia said...
    hey lindsey its briley i emailed you check your email address!
    Anonymous said...
    Cant wait for you guys to be home,
    see ya'll at the airport.
    Briley I have a good suprise for you!
    Kristin Daniels said...
    Hahaha! That picture of Mia eating breakfast again...the look on her face is like "stop taking so many pictures of me grandpa!" I just said out loud to myself "oh Mia, you have no idea what you are in for" Grandpa and his camera, hey at least she'll be like Bri and have pictures documenting every day of her life :] lol. Love you all! See you in a couple days!! Woo hoo!

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