Home...Tired.....post later.


  1. Cindy said...
    Yeah, you're all home! Get some good rest.

    Cheryl said...
    Praise God! I know it feels good to be in your own home...in your own bed! Rest up. Can hardly wait to meet Mia!
    MKMAtterson said...
    YEAH!!!!! So glad y'all are home safe & sound. Can't wait to hear all about your trip & to see all the pictures Herb took, well maybe not ALL since I'm sure he took 3.4 trillion with his 42 cameras. ;)
    Get some rest!
    Love to all,
    Kim, Mark, & Makenna
    Anonymous said...
    Welcome home...that must be a huge relief! Hope things continue to go smoothly with your new little Linamen.
    Anonymous said...
    Glad you guys are home safe !!! We hope the transition for little MIA continues to go as smooth as it has these last few weeks.

    Nikki James
    "T" said...
    I bet everyone on the plane is glad your home to... LOL just kidden
    "T" said...
    okay ot's the 14th where is the update steve. Come on now dude!:)
    Our family: said...
    So glad you are all safely home!

    I can't wait to see Mia in her new home and starting her new life in America with her sweet family!

    taylor said...
    Glad you're home! Still waiting for an update, though. :)
    MKMAtterson said...
    Hello, did the Linamen's pack up & leave the country & their laptop behind? Just kidding you guys, hope the transition is going well. Hope to get together for dinner soon.

    Love to all,
    Kim, Mark, & Makenna

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