Gotcha Day.......Finally!

We flew in to Changsha and got to our hotel around 12:30pm. It is cold and rainy, not the way we would have pictured today. We met our guide back in the hotel lobby at 2:30 and drove to the civil affairs office through rain, horrible drivers, crowded streets, and in a van that had to be 105 degrees. More on the driving and streets later. We got there on time but had to wait at least an hour for Mia to arrive. Once she got there she made a grand entrance half skipping half running into the room. She was a bit shy and clingy to her caregivers. They left while she wasn't paying attention, and she handled it well. She never really reacted to them not being there. They did say that they have been telling her she has a family now and will one day go away with them, but she is only 3, how much can she understand, she has never had the kind of family we are use to. No the way home she sat it the set kind of quiet watching outside go buy when I noticed she had tears running down her face. That's when it became emotional for us. The sadness but somehow the understanding this little girl has about what is happening to her. Once we got in the room we couldn't keep her quiet. Laughing and playing endlessly. She loved her bath and it was back to her loud Mathews(for those that don't know the Mathews are Cindy's family) talking and giggling again. She played with grandma, and wore her out, and play some more. Mia is a ball of energy and full of life. She just now at about 9:30pm past out.

The day didn't start out the way we thought it would nor did it end that way. We expected crying and not wanting a lot to do with us at first, but that was far from what we got. We could not have been blessed more. God gave us a wonderful daughter by birth, and now one by the miracle of adoption on the other side of the world. Until you experience it, it may be difficult to understand. We are now a family of four. And yes she was playing with and kicking a soccer ball in the room already.


  1. Jenn said...
    Mia is BEAUTIFUL!!! Praying for sweet sleep for all of you tonight!!

    Jenlincat said...
    As I read your blog, tears of joy have overwhelmed me. I am so HAPPY for you all. She is so beautiful!! She is truly a gift from God.

    With Love,
    Anonymous said...
    MIA is so cute!!!!!
    Praying for you all...
    So glad Mia is doing so well....

    Love you !
    MKMAtterson said...
    OMG!!! How incredible & perfect she is. So, can you tell yet if she is going to be a Mama's or Daddy's girl? What an awesome gift from God you have received. Our prayers are with you. Sweet dreams to all.

    Love to all,
    Anonymous said...
    She is adorable. Maybe another Mathews?? Just want you wanted Steve. Can't wait to get a hold of her. Tell Cindy to email me when she can..

    Anonymous said...
    Hey guys, it's Jennifer Reynolds. I stopped by Crystal's last night and the entire family was there excluding ya'll. They updated me on Mia and I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS. Take care and have a safe trip home!
    Jodie Daniels said...
    Couldn't quit crying as I read and looked at pics...I am sooo happy for you! And Mia is beautiful!! Will continue to pray that the transition and adjustment goes smoothly! XOXOXO
    Anonymous said...
    Cindy, blessing to you all! We are so excited for you all and have shared some of your tears when we read your blog. What a wonderful gift you have received. We miss you Cindy!!! CET
    Our family: said...
    Oh my goodness!!!! Mia is absolutely beautiful!!! I'm so glad your gotcha day went so well! My heart is rejoicing for your sweet family. I will continue to pray for all of you and Mia as you bond during this special time.

    God is so good!!!
    taylor said...
    How precious is she!? I'm so glad that the day went well for you all. We're still praying for you guys. :)
    Cindy said...
    Awesome!!! Love the pictures, isn't God good?! Hugs,prayers, and blessings going up for the FOUR of you! :)
    Lela said...
    She is so beautiful. God had a plan and it was a wonderful plan. Mia is blessed with a wonderful family.

    Briley: Scream won!! First Jewett game this Tues. We will let you know the outcome.

    We miss you all and can not wait to see the family of four.
    Anonymous said...
    Way to make me cry! She is sooooo adorable! I and so glad to hear that things have gone well this far. We'll keep you in our prayers that the transition will continue to be smooth. She is a lucky little girl to be blessed with a super Mommy & Daddy...and a really awesome big sister! Enjoy! And more pictures, please!
    Emily said...
    Yeah!!! God is SOOO good! We need MORE pictures Steve, two is NOT going to cut it!!!! WOW three weeks ago today Ashley was having her 1st bath in that same hotel with the stacking cups! I'm so happy for ya'll...keep the updates coming, can't wait to hear more!
    Anonymous said...
    Mia is so what we expected, she is so cute, and she could pass for Crystal's child. LOL
    I so cant wait till we can see her at the airport.
    Remember Steve, the Mathews part is so what won you over especially when you met the family. LOL
    Love yall!
    Waiting to see more pictures
    Tell Briley she has her family complete now.
    Unknown said...
    Well, I am already smitten by my new cousin and I cannot wait to meet her. She's beautiful and so precious. No baby Ava yet but I have been having lots of contractions but I'm trying to hold her in until ya'll get back haha! I love and miss you all. Everyone give each other hugs from me :D!

    "T" said...
    Now that I read your Blog Steve I find it funny how we pray for no crying and to have an easy transition (we also had it easy) Then when God gives a blessing by letting everything go smooth we worry something is wrong when in fact they may mourn later and God was just giving us a break. Thanks for the word. And congrats she is a beautiful girl.
    MKMAtterson said...
    Steve, Makenna wants to know WHY there is only 2 pics of Mia?
    Jenlincat said...
    We also agree - just 2 pictures?? your torturing us. We want to see more :)
    Anonymous said...
    She is really beautiful! It made me tear up when you said you saw a tear go down her cheek. Have a great time.
    Anonymous said...
    Children are a gift from God regardless how we recieve them, and now you have two. Congratulaions!! She is ADORABLE!!

    -Mechelle Jouppi
    Brianna Daniels said...
    I think everyone would agree.... more pictures PLEASE!!!! :)
    The Love's said...
    Well you did it again Steve...Made me cry. I'm not sure who is luckier, Mia for having you guy's or the other way around.
    Your family is beautiful! ~CONGRATULATIONS~
    The Love's
    Sandra, Haven & Coco

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