Medical Update.

Singing and dressing up.

Playing soccer, c'mon how long did you think it would take!

Cheering on her big Sister

Getting ready for another day at the soccer fields......better get use to it.

Mia has now been to our pediatrician, the eye specialist, adoption specialist at All Children's Hospital and the dermatologist. Everything was good at our pediatrician but he had concerns with the birthmark/mole on her arm. The eye specialist said she will need to wear glasses and that may correct the lazy-eye, if not, she is a candidate for surgery later on. The adoption specialist put Cindy at easy the most. He checked her from head to toe, took 8 vials of blood for testing (no results yet) and observed her actions for about an hour. He was confident her minor developmental delay is nothing to be concerned with, common for Chinese children in an orphanage. And finally the dermatologist said that her "tattoo" ( I showed her my tattoos and told her that's what hers is) does not appear suspicious, we just have to monitor it and get checked once a year. He felt removing it now may cause more damage, unless something crops up, we will not have it removed until she has grown quite a bit. Mia is doing great, loves baths, wakes up smiling and likes to play with other kids. She has started to play with some of our friend's kid's that are around her age. She does have a visit to the dentist coming up,that should be interesting, and we don't think they ever cleaned her ears in the orphanage. Mia's are clogged so our doctor has us using a solution in them to help break it up, kind of nasty in there. Overall, she/we are doing good.


  1. taylor said...
    I'm so glad that everything is going so well for you all! And can I just say...all of these soccer pictures are making me miss home AND soccer! I hope you have room for me to do some kind of coaching when we move back in August. :)
    Steve, Cindy, Briley and Mia said...
    I can't wait for the help. With a U12, U18, high school, a middle school and now most likely a U5 team, I need all the help I can get. Or maybe just put in an institute for the being insane to coach all that. You'll be home before you know it.
    "T" said...
    Maybe that's why she was loud cause she could not hear cause all the crap in her ears.Or maybe she just likes to be loud like every other kid out there. I'm so glad all the doc appointments went so well. I'm so glad Cindy heard what she needed to hear:) Hopefully I'll here that same thing in April.Y'all know what I'm talkin about. Good luck with the dentist. Mia looked like she had some good teeth. Hers were not pitted and yellow like My kiddo's are.(which is probally why they got messed up so quick)Okay I'll stop yacking now since this is a comment spot not an email. Bye.
    MKMAtterson said...
    The new pictures are great! We so enjoyed hanging out w/Cindy & Mia at the game. We had no problem finding Briley in those "subtle" yellow cleats. Makenna really liked watching Briley play, I'm sure you could hear her hollering all the way across the field. Really a U5 team??? Now that would make it official you really are insane. So glad to hear the Mia's tattoo is nothing to be really concerned with at this time. Hope to get together soon when y'all might actually be home.
    Love to all,
    Kim, Mark, & Makenna

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