Flights Booked!

Finally! We have our travel itinerary.

Thursday Jan. 29th
Orlando to Washington 8:38-10:45am -- travel time 2hrs
Friday Jan. 30th
Washington to Beijing 12:30-3:30pm -- travel time 14hrs
Saturday Jan. 31st
Beijing tour; Tiananmen Square, Forbidden city, Summer Palace
Sunday Feb. 1st
Church, Great Wall, and Beijing Duck Dinner
Monday Feb. 2nd
Flight to Mia's province also known as GOTCHA DAY (The day we get Mia)
Tues-Fri. Feb.3-6th
Paperwork, sight-seeing and shopping
Saturday Feb. 7th
Mia's medical exam
Sunday Feb 8th
More paperwork....
Monday Feb. 9th
Consulate appointment
Tuesday Feb. 10th
Pick up Mia's visa
Wednesday Feb. 11th
Hong Kong to San Francisco 12:50-8:30am -- travel time 12hrs
San Francisco to Orlando 12:00-8:00pm -- travel time 5hrs

It's starting to feel surreal. We can't wait to leave, Cindy loves to fly...hahahaha


  1. "T" said...
    Yes we are starting to get excited. I can't wait to get our Itinerary. I guess it will simular to y'alls
    taylor said...
    Yay! It's all coming together. The close of one journey and the beginning of another great one! Keep this thing updated with pictures! :)
    Our family: said...
    Hi Steve and Cindy,

    Congratulations on traveling soon! Your little girl is adorable!

    My name is Lydia and my husband and I are also an AW family.

    We are so excited to have just accepted a referral for a 3 1/2 year old girl, whom we are naming Maylie Grace.

    I found your blog thorough the yahoo group. Our daughter is in a similar situation as yours and I was hoping I could contact you and see if you could give us some insights and or information links, etc. I would appreciate it so much. My email is

    Blessings to all of you!

    In His grace

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