Todays Travels.

we started the day off at Tian'an men Square, the Palace Museum and the Forbidden city. We finished the day at the Summer Palace. We were out for about 10 hrs. so we are dead, but I thought I needed to put some real pictures up. Everything is massive. The square is the largest in the world. The Palace Museum has over 8700 rooms, it felt like we visited all of them! There was a lot of beautiful buildings and marble statues. I stand in awe of it. I love ancient cultures, Cindy....not so much, Briley enjoyed it. Here are some random shots from today.
The first one is of our guide, Sherry. She met us at the airport yesterday and will be with our group until tomorrow, we couldn't do without her.

The Birds Nest is not open to the public right now but will be soon. Hopefully we will get closer to it, the Cube, and the Flame tomorrow.


  1. Jodie Daniels said...
    How fun! I'm so excited for you!! Keep the pics and info coming! Praying bunches for you!! Wish I were there!!!
    The Guards said...
    We are so thrilled for you all.I couldnt wait to check the computer to see what you had posted.I must admit, it is the first time I have read it without crying!!Cindy,Briley hang in there girls hopefully the food will get better.Steve your descriptions of the food are truly classic! Take care, Betsy
    By the way Steve Mikey says if you look like Buddah when you get back, you two can pass for twins!!!
    Emily said...
    WOW I feel like it's groundhog day watching you do the exact same thing we did just three weeks ago! We sent to the same resturant and everything. I'm with Cindy...YUCK. Food is much better in Hunan...and you leave for there SOON!! Can't wait till Monday! Following every minute!
    Jenlincat said...
    What amazing sites you all are seeing, except the squatty potty. That will give me nightmares LOL!!

    I bet time is not going fast enough til Gotcha day. I am so happy for you guys :)

    I hope you have a wonderful day today and from your schedule you will be definitely busy/tired.

    Enjoy every moment!
    Anonymous said...
    I'm so happy you all made it safely to China. See Cindy nothing to worry about, right? Sorry to hear Briley got sick. Thanks for sharing the photos and comments. They help the rest of us to share in your joy. Other than the food and potty, China looks like a beautiful place. I'm anxious for you all as gotcha time nears. Take care!
    Pasch Fam said...
    Hello Joe, oh! i mean coach Steve, this is Taylor Pasch- hope you do come back like the Buddah so you can't outrun us at practice. Bet you can't run the whole Great Wall.
    Cindy you look great, hang in there w/the food, you & Briley will be okay. Miss you & Love you, good luck on GOTCHA DAY!
    Hi Briley- we won for you today!
    1-0! You were with us in spirit:)
    Blog something for us, cant wait to see more pictures and updates. Love Pasch (sydney)
    To all of you: I am so excited & know you are anticipating the day you will take your daughter & bring her home. We hope everyday is a special memory for you all and we can't wait to get more updates. Sydney is checking her phone constantly to see what time it is in China. We are thinking of you everyday & can't wait to see all 4 of you! Good luck on your continued journey.

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