We made it

We will put more pics up soon but here is one right before we got on the looooonnnnngggggggg flight out of Washington DC. See how happy Cindy is. Briley was fine until we were waiting to get off the plane and she didn't make it in the bag. And no Herb didn't get a pic of it. She was fine shortly after. We have a really long day tomorrow and will have lots to share. For now, we need to get some rest. Thank you for all the text messages before we left home and the comments.



  1. Emily said...
    Yeah! So glad you made it safe! Avery almost lost it as well at the end of every flight! enjoy that yummy breakfast buffet for us! Man do I miss that every morning!
    Jodie Daniels said...
    So glad you made it safely! We love you bunches! Can't wait to hear more. You won't believe how many times I checked the blog before I finally saw your post! You know I'm an "info" person...I expect lots of info!!!! hugs and kisses!
    Brianna Daniels said...
    Glad to hear you guys made it!! On a side note... I can see why Aunt Cindy wants Audi to run away. lol I took him out he went outside twice then he came in and pooped 3 times and peed in about 10 minutes! I'm going to love cleaning up crap all week! haha jk Have fun you guys and know the dogs are safe with me! :)
    Anonymous said...
    So glad to know you made it safely! Briley, that's exactly what Ashton did on our last flight - made it through the entire flight and then lost it waiting to get off the plane! Well, just a few more days until you get your hands on that little Sweetheart! Put up lots of pictures and enjoy your stay.
    MKMAtterson said...
    I have been checking & checking to see if you had posted so that I knew ya'll had arrived safe. Yeah, how does it feel to finally be on solid ground again? Get some rest, food, & have fun. Can't wait for your next post.
    Jenlincat said...
    Cindy's face tells it all :) We are so glad you all made it safely. Get some rest and some real Chinese food is :) (that was Lindsey's suggestion). Can't wait to read more updates.
    Anonymous said...
    Hope you are having fun!
    We love you all!!!!
    RED said...
    hey coach steve and briley and ms cindy, i miss you all and glad that Mia is now your little angel. Cant wait to meet her. Seee yaaa in Gainesville.

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