From Paperwork to Packing

I have graduated from the paperwork to the packing, whooohooo!! Almost done with Mia's luggage, Briley's and my own. Medicine and food bag is packed.
I can't believe the day we have been waiting soooo long for is fast approaching. There have been so many ups and downs in this process. I want to thank all of our family and friends who have supported us, encouraged us and prayed for us. This journey has been the biggest step of faith we have ever experienced. At times, it has been emotionally and financially draining, however, we have grown so much spiritually. There were so many times that we had to be reminded to "let go and let God". It has brought new meaning to Psalms 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God". We appreciate your continued prayers as we travel and meet our precious Mia. We expect to experience more challenges along the way, as Mia will be taken from everything she has ever known. Especially pray for her.

Oh, and by the way, here is Steve's luggage.


  1. "T" said...
    Steve is gonna be pretty ripe in a few days if he don't bring any clothes. So we will hang out but Steve has to stay in your room:) See y'all in a few day's!!!
    Anonymous said...
    Cindy, you did a great job writing your information. I loved the photo of Steve's empty suitcase. That looks like Herb's and mine at this moment but hopefully by the end of the day we will only have the last minute stuff to put in. Mom
    Anonymous said...
    Cindy, Steve & Briley,

    Wow 2 more day's !!!! We are very happy for you'll and wanted to wish you all the very best on your journey to get your baby girl !! She is very blessed to have such a wonderful family. We pray that her transition will be a smooth one for her and all of you.

    Jay & Nikki James
    taylor said...
    Good luck with everything! It will be an amazing trip! Keep us updated! :)
    Anonymous said...
    Well tomorrow is the big day. Enjoy every moment, be safe, keep us posted daily :), and hurry back home so we can give lots of hugs to Mia.

    Jennifer, Lindsey, & Cat
    Jodie Daniels said...
    I'm crying even now as I check the blog and know that you are probably on your first leg of the flight. I'm so excited for you and so in awe of how far you have come. I have put out a prayer request to the entire staff and music family here at the church for safe travel and a smooth "bonding" process with Mia. Know you are loved very much, and I only wish I could be there with you. P.S. I'll try to hold Kristin's legs together so that she doesn't have Ava before you get back.
    Our family: said...
    I'm so excited for all of you!! Can't wait to see your precious Mia in your arms!

    Oh, the looks so intimidating. How to make it all fit!? Looks like you're pretty organized.

    We are praying!
    Anonymous said...
    I am trying to not cry so much sitting here at work with Lexie asking me 50 million ??????? but I know that we dont ever tell or show each other love very much but just know that I do love yall and I am praying for you everyday while you are on your journey! Keep in touch and stay safe. See you at the airport when you guys come home. Love BooBoo

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