Just Waiting.....10 days!

No real new info lately, just waiting to leave. 10 days to go! We have our travel conference call on Thursday with our coordinator and everyone that will be in our group leaving on the 29Th. 2 hour phone conversation with 20+ people, I can't wait. Can you feel my excitement? We really enjoy reading the comments so practice up now, we want to know whats happening at home while we are gone. We can't believe that our blog has been viewed around 800 times already and we haven't left yet. Thanks for the love. I'll make sure to keep it updated daily with at least pictures.



  1. "T" said...
    I'll a comment... YaHOOOOOOO we are almost outa here!!!!!
    Anonymous said...
    So excited for all of you and our prayers for a safe journey!!!!!

    Can't remember when I saw you last. Years and years I am sure. I am Becki (McFarland) Huxley. My mom (Mary Jane) and your grandfater are brother and sister.

    God bless you all!!


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