Our Hotel.. The Radisson of Beijing

A few shots of our hotel.


  1. Jodie Daniels said...
    Very nice...it reminds me of the places that we stayed in Israel. I'm glad you're eating well. I know everyone was a little concerned about the food.
    P.S. Tomorrow!!!!!!! Can't wait!
    dannyd said...
    Hey guys! Glad to see all is going well. Lifting you up each day. Can't wait for tomorrow!
    MKMAtterson said...
    WOW, what a spread & the hotel doesn't look too bad either. I can't wait to hear about the duck dinner, tastes like chicken mmmmmm mmmmm good I'm sure. :}
    Keeping you all in our prayers! We are excitedly waiting for tomorrow. Love to you all.
    Anonymous said...
    Well guys almost bedtime IF you can sleep.Tomorrow your calling will be fulfilled,know this is GOD ordained, from day one his hand has been your guide.You guys are in our daily prayers.Cant wait for tomorrows pictures!
    Anonymous said...
    We'll tomorrow is the day!!!! I am so excited can't wait to see pics and Lexie can't wait till you bring Mia home... I am praying for you all..

    Love Crystal and Lexie
    Jenlincat said...
    What a snazzy hotel! And what a spread of food! The photographer is doing a great job.

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