Almost time to leave!

Everything is packed and ready to go. I figured I'd just stay up from Wednesday morning until we board the long flight. Maybe I won't go insane if I'm asleep most of the time. Thanks again for all the text messages. We will miss everyone while we're gone. Please leave us comments at the bottom of the posts so we know whats happening at home.



  1. "T" said...
    Can't wait till y'all get here tomorrow..
    Anonymous said...
    We are so excited for you all and HAPPY that the day is finally here!!! Can't wait til your all back home!!!
    Robbie, Jessica,
    Megan & Mckenzie
    MKMAtterson said...
    By the time ya'll read this you will be in China. We lost our internet connection last night so our blog did not go thru, never the less, we will add our thoughts tonight. Cindy, I hope you survived the flight, I know how much you were looking forward to that. :) Briley, I'm nearing the end of book 4, we'll compare notes upon your return. Steve, I tried to contact you about that school book, I thought I might offer to scribble down some notes for you. I guess you'll get it done some time. Know that we love ya'll & can't wait to read your blog & see those photos. Enjoy each sight you see(Cindy stay out of the coffee shop!) & cherish every moment you have with each other. See you all when you return!
    Mark, Kim, & Makenna
    Jenlincat said...
    Okay, it is 11:49 p.m. here in Florida. I am assuming your still in the friendly skies :) I know you all will be glad to get off that airplane. I can only imagine the excitement you all must be feeling. Thinking of you all and look forward to your updates. Briley - Lindsey sends you long distance hello! And to have fun, take lots of photos.... and I am cutting her off or she will have me typing all night long.

    Jennifer, Lindsey, & Catherine
    Anonymous said...
    Glad ya'll made it ti China and survived the plane ride.. I am getting your text messages but they are not making sense.. Are you trying to send me pics because they aren't coming thru.. Yall need to start blogging and posting pictures. I will keep praying for ya'll and Mia and hope she adjustes well. Remember no blogging nothing sad or I will be crying everyday at work..

    Love yall
    Crystal and Lexie

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