Travel Update

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you"

Well two days ago we were told we could leave on Jan. 8th as long as our agency could get us a consulate appointment. Only a week to get ready, to make arrangements for the soccer teams(my assistant coaches are awesome), animals, house, packing, etc... This morning we got the email... no appointments available. Disappointing, but I understand (see above). It looks as if we will have to wait until Jan.29th now. I just want to hold my little girl. These 29 days will be the most difficult, but I trust it is for some reason we don't understand right now, but will. Like my High School team plays amazing in the district tournament or Briley's team continues their winning streak and we needed to be here to experience it all(Most of you know our house revolves around soccer). Or maybe God is working with Mia's nannies and preparing her for the huge transition of her world being turned upside down. We know it is for the best but please continue to pray for us and most of all, the "little ones".



  1. taylor said...
    I can't even imagine the anxiousness you all must be feeling. Things definitely always happen for a reason, though..and they always work out! :) I'm so happy for you guys. Can't wait to meet her!
    Emily said...
    Praying for you ALL!
    Our family: said...
    Hi Cindy!

    I am so excited for your family!!! In a few days your sweet little girl will be in your arms!!!

    I hope you can post a lot in China. The girls and I will be watching and praying!

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