Best Present ever!

When we came home from our Christmas Eve Service I checked our email and got the best present ever.....New pictures of our little girl and a short message. Here is Yi Ai Hang "Mia" with her nannies.

They tell us she is their princess at the orphanage. When the director told her nannies she has a family now, they were sad about her leaving, but happy she has a family.

Here is a few pictures of Mia celebrating Christmas and enjoying the cake we had sent. I can't stop looking at her smile, she is so beautiful, it almost makes the month wait until we travel harder. Please keep us in your prayers.

Along with the cake we sent a care package and some photos of us. We'll post more updates as we get them.



  1. "T" said...
    Yeah I can leave a comment!! Your daughter is sooo very beautiful. I can't wait to see her precious little face in real life. :)
    MKMAtterson said...
    What a beautiful smile for a beautiful girl.

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