Last Week....

Mia loves to play outside.She had another really good week. She is picking up words by the day. Today was a little bit of a set back at Sunday school. I took her to class and she got really upset and didn't want me to leave. After about 40 min.(I missed the service) she began to color and I got away. The good thing is she is showing more attachment to me. We could not imagine life with out her now. We are blessed everyday with her being a part of our family.


Swinging at her aunts house


Mia and Kylie(adopted from China in December) during their play day.

Video Riding Lexi's bike...


  1. "T" said...
    Man she rides that bike like a pro. So can ya get a video of her talking I would love to hear her sweet voice again. Just do it for me....K.. Boooo Ya Steve
    taylor said...
    Oh my goodness! I LOVE the picture of her in the swing! How precious!! I am so glad that things are going so well for you all.

    I can't wait to meet her! I'm coming to Florida April 15-20 so I better get to see you all! :)
    Anonymous said...
    She's beautiful, congrats!
    The Saenz family
    Anonymous said...
    Wow...I don't know too many 3 year olds that can ride a bike that well. She took that corner like nobody's business! Such a cute little angel.

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