Disney World

Well this past weekend since we have a break in soccer and its not too hot yet we went to Disney World, thanks to our extended soccer family (thank you Sherry). We haven't been since Briley was about 6yr old so I think she enjoyed it more than Mia. It wasn't real crowded so we got to see everything we wanted and ended the day at Epcot. Mia just went with the flow. Maybe in a few years she'll be more excited about Mickey. Note: She doesn't care for roller coasters like Briley did at her age. She screamed, not cried, the entire time on the little kid coaster but didn't mind the haunted mansion or buzz lightyear.



  1. Anonymous said...
    Steve just had to get in on the princess pic... :)

    from Darrian
    "T" said...
    We cant wait to go with y'all one day. I have not been there since I was 5.( A long time) How fun !!
    taylor said...
    Precious pictures! Disney is so much fun. :)
    Reynolds_Family said...
    Hi I hope yall had a good time at Disney World.But it looked like Mia and all of yall had a lot of fun.=)

    Reynolds Family (Mallory, Ausyin,Mariah,Terri,and Larry)

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