While Cindy was away....

I found out what Mia is all about when Cindy and Briley were gone and we were playing outside.

Ready to race

Sup to all my peeps.....

Trying to kiss our dog

Taggin' her turf.

ridin' out.

Dancin' to Kayne West


  1. taylor said...
    Oh my gosh! hahahah...that cracks me up!!! I LOVE the video! Mia has got some cool moves! I so want to hang out with her. :)
    Anonymous said...
    Oh my heck! What a hoot! Does she get those dancin' skilz from her Daddy? She's too cute!
    "T" said...
    I think her on the rice burner is cool since she is a rice burner. Oh can I say that? lol
    Emily said...
    Oh my gooness I LOVE the dancing! She has got some moves!!! SOOO cute!@
    Incredibles said...
    Hey guys,
    Mia looks to be doing great. Nathan taks about her all the time. Baelin is doing great too. Talk to you all soon.

    Nathan, Jami and the Girls

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