Steve failed to mention......

That the special occasion for Disney this past weekend was his BIG 40th!!! Yes, he is 40 and I can't say much because I am not too far behind him. We had a great time and another thanks to Sherry for making the Disney trip happen for us.



  1. Anonymous said...
    WOW He is ONLY 40 you must be keeping him young HAPPY BIRTHDAY POPPI
    "T" said...
    Hope you Mr Steve had a GREAT b-day. See 40 don't hurt to much.There is alway's someone around that's older. Besides your still the spoiled rotton youngest no matter how old ya get. I should know. I still am:) YA
    Incredibles said...
    Happy Birthday Steve!!! You made it up the "The Wall" great for an "Old guy" ha ha,
    Love the blog,
    Nathan, Jami & the Girls
    taylor said...
    Well Happy Birthday! :)

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