Mia's first day at church

Mia and Linnea in Sunday school

Briley's Friends at church

More Guitar Hero.

playing with clothes again

So we finally had a weekend soccer free and were able to go to church which we have really missed. Briley couldn't wait to see her friends and let them meet her little sis. We put Mia in the 3yr old class and at first she was really shy (completely unlike her) and didn't want Cindy to leave, but we slipped out while she wasn't watching. The teachers said she did really good. They also adopted a little girl from China about three years ago- see pic. She is now 4 and she stayed in class to play with Mia. It seems like everywhere we turn God puts the right people in the right places.

Today we went to pick out Mia's glasses and also Briley had to go get her grill checked , that's teeth for you old people, to see when she will be getting braces. Hopefully Obama will hurry up and pay off my house and give us that big stimulus check so we can pay these doctor bills. I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers through the doctor visits.


  1. "T" said...
    I already got my check. Don't What happend to your's. We got all our bills paid for and we don't even have a house note anymore. But for some strange reason we do owe a million dollars in taxes. Hmmm.
    Cindy said...
    I love all of the pictures of Mia (and family!). I was really happy to meet Mia yesterday; such a cutie pie! Don't you just look at her in wonder and awe! God is good!

    Cindy (and family)

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