Random pictures

It's been a little while since I've updated so here are some random pics. Mia has a few Dr. appointments no big deal. She has hew glasses now and doesn't mind wearing them. She just doesn't have a nose to hold them up. We also got her ears pierced, she screamed for a few minutes but was done after that. Now she won't hesitate to show them off. She picks up new English everyday, and loves Barney. She is doing great and is an absolute blessing.


Here is a picture of Briley and Mia in the same dress around the same age. Cindy loved the dress and couldn't ever get rid of it.

Being her sweet little self.

She has to be like her big sister.

Don't ask me, some kind of suckers.

She loves to dress up.

1 Comment:

  1. taylor said...
    Oh my goodness. She is only too cute! I love her glasses! :) I can't wait to meet her and visit everyone. 2 weeks! :)

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