Let's start with the important stuff.......FOOD!

This is what I will look like when we get home. Briley and Cindy just kind of pick at the food. I'll eat whatever they bring out. Most tastes pretty good just has an odd texture. There was something that tasted like a combination of bathroom cleaner and shoe leather and a clear "soup" that tasted fine it just looked like snot.

Here is one of the many street vendors that are all over. We were warned not to eat from them because you don't know what it is or how clean. Most of it looked and smelled good, even the roasted small animal. It might be frog, not real sure.

Too much Chinese food and you'll have to visit one of these....the famous squatty potty.
I'm sure by the end of tomorrow we will be eating at Mc D's and Pizza Hut.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I am with Cindy and Briley, I couldnt eat that either. It doesnt even look like the chinese food over here. Justin couldnt believe that potty. Well have more fun, only a few more days, cant wait.
    Love you all
    Anonymous said...
    that squatty potty looked so funny! but how are you supposed to sit on that thing? hahahahhaa
    hope Everythings going GREAT!
    and i'm glad you all had a safe flight(:
    Anonymous said...
    I would be starved by the time i got home. Hope ya'll are having fun.. Can't wait to see more pics...

    Love Crystal

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