Too long for an update

It's been a while but I have some videos. I'll let Cindy add to this later, but it's been really busy around here. Here's a few things we've been up to. Briley had soccer tryouts and made a new team, Briley had soccer camp, we had a little family birthday party for Mia's 4th birthday. Briley had another soccer camp, Mia went camping for the first time, everyone got sick, Briley has soccer camp again next week.

Briley finished her first year of middle school with all A's, Mia will start pre-school in August. We are looking at the possibility of corrective eye surgery and removal of the mole on Mia's arm in October. The doctors are discussing the possibility of both surgeries on the same day (so pray for Mia). The removal of the mole may take up to three surgeries to complete without doing skin graphs. This was my choice, I thought having some of her booty skin on her arm would still show more than a single scar where the skin is pulled together, not that she has any booty to spare anyhow. Plus the Doctor said many want the skin graph removed later in life. This way it just takes a little longer.

Anyhow, everything is good, Mia never rests and amazes us everyday with the things she picks up and does. The videos show some of this. We just happen to catch her last night singing, but that didn't phase her, she just continued on.

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